Best 4 Multi-CDN Providers in 2024

Have you ever wondered why some websites load faster than others, regardless of your location? The secret often lies in the use of multiple CDN (Content Delivery Network) providers. However, 2024 has new demands in store, and to meet them, the CDN technology has undergone an evolution. Enter Multi-CDN strategies—a cutting-edge solution designed to optimize web and content delivery by leveraging not just one, but multiple Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). Despite being non-negotiable, finding good Multi-CDN providers is challenging. That’s where this guide comes in!

Roei Hazout
May 23, 2024

What Are the Benefits of Using Multi-CDN?

The adoption of Multi-CDN strategies brings a multitude of benefits to businesses aiming to optimize their online content delivery and enhance user experience. Here are the key advantages:

  • Improved Reliability and Uptime: By distributing content across multiple CDNs, the risk of downtime is minimized since the failure of one CDN can be compensated by others that are still operational​​​​.
  • Enhanced Global Performance: Multi-CDN strategies ensure that content is served from the closest or most efficient point of presence (PoP) to the user, reducing latency and improving load times, especially important for global audiences​​​​.
  • Cost Efficiency: Utilizing multiple providers allows for competitive pricing and the ability to negotiate better rates, as well as optimizing costs based on geographic or traffic-based considerations​​.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Multi-CDN setups can easily adapt to traffic spikes and growing content delivery needs without being limited by the capacity of a single CDN provider​​.
  • Optimized Content Delivery: Real-time load balancing and intelligent routing across different CDNs ensure that content is delivered via the fastest and most efficient path, enhancing the user experience​​​​.
  • Reduced Risk of Data Loss and Attacks: With content replicated across multiple CDNs, there's a lower risk of data loss. Additionally, the diversified architecture offers enhanced security features, making it more difficult for DDoS attacks to disrupt all pathways of content delivery​​.

Top 4 Multi-CDN Providers You Should Consider

When it comes to optimizing your online content delivery, selecting the right Multi-CDN provider is the bare minimum. Here are the top 4 Multi-CDN providers you should consider, each presenting a new perspective on audience reach:

1. Mlytics

Mlytics is a Multi-CDN provider that specializes in enhancing content delivery and video streaming quality worldwide. It addresses the complexities of delivering web content in areas with strict internet regulations, such as China, ensuring efficient and secure content delivery. 

Founded with the mission to optimize web performance across diverse geographic regions, Mlytics focuses on areas experiencing rapid internet growth, such as Southeast Asia and South America. Its platform is designed to offer businesses a scalable and reliable solution for global content delivery, emphasizing cost efficiency and security.

Key Features and Offerings

  • Over 214 monitoring PoPs and 30,000+ RUM nodes across fast-growing regions, including China and India, ensuring wide coverage and local optimization.
  • A cost-effective solution that connects clients with leading CDN providers worldwide, saving up to 25% on delivery costs.
  • Round-the-clock monitoring by a professional SOC team, offering robust web and application security.
  • Advanced algorithms for in-stream switching and detailed QoE metrics to improve video streaming quality.
  • The platform's Multi-CDN approach reduces bandwidth costs, enhances security, and provides uninterrupted uptime.

Mlytics' commitment to delivering an optimal digital experience is reflected in its innovative platform, which simplifies the management of CDN resources. This ensures that businesses can rely on Mlytics for high-quality, secure, and efficient content delivery to their global audience.

2. GlobalDots

GlobalDots is a leading cloud and web performance, as well as a security value-added reseller with over two decades of experience in the industry. This company prides itself on being at the cutting edge of technology, offering solutions that are at the forefront of the latest technological advancements. 

Their unique position in the global market enables them to assist clients in quickly and cost-effectively selecting, testing, and deploying the best solutions to serve their customer base. 

Key Features and Offerings

  • GlobalDots provides a wide range of customizable solutions catering to unique use cases, thanks to its vendor-agnostic approach. This allows for the selection of the best tools and services to meet specific client needs​​.
  • Always on the hunt for the latest industry innovations, GlobalDots ensures that its solutions incorporate cutting-edge technologies that optimize web performance, enhance web security, and improve overall cloud security​​​​.
  • Their services extend across various domains, including web and mobile performance, cloud security and performance, hosting, and hardware solutions, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to tackling modern digital challenges​​.
  • GlobalDots has established a significant global presence, with offices in multiple countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, Russia, Cyprus, Israel, Thailand, and Spain. This extensive reach allows them to serve a diverse range of clients around the world​​.

The company's leadership team comprises industry veterans who bring a wealth of experience and a forward-thinking approach to the table. 

However, while Global Dots is a complete building block package for your Multi-CDN solution, all future maintenance will be on you, making it tricky for newcomers. 

3. NS1 Pulsar

NS1 Pulsar is a significant evolution in DNS and traffic management, leveraging real user monitoring (RUM) data to dynamically optimize application delivery. 

Launched as a cloud-based routing engine, Pulsar is fully integrated into the NS1 platform, offering a unique approach by combining user, network, and infrastructure data for granular control over internet traffic. 

This integration allows for unprecedented application performance and reliability, addressing the complexities of modern internet-scale application environments.

Key Features and Offerings

  • Pulsar utilizes high-volume, real-time telemetry from actual users to inform hyper-granular, automated traffic routing decisions.
  • It dynamically routes users to the best service endpoints based on actual performance metrics, including latency, throughput, packet loss, and more.
  • Pulsar is integrated with NS1's DNS and traffic management platform, enhancing its managed DNS network with advanced routing capabilities through the patented Filter Chain™ technology.
  • Through leveraging real-time data and NS1's advanced DNS technology, Pulsar offers a robust solution for optimizing application delivery across distributed digital environments. 

Pulsar's design is centered around providing a high degree of visibility and control at the edge of the internet, pushing the boundaries of DNS-based traffic steering.

Its approach to traffic management not only aims to improve performance and reliability but also reduces operational costs and enhances the end-user experience. 

4. IO River

IO River, with its Virtual Edge, aims at revolutionizing Edge architecture. This layer integrates security, traffic control, and serverless computing services onto existing edge platforms, enhancing the reliability, performance, and cost-effectiveness of online services. 

By using IO River's Virtual Edge technology, businesses can unlock the full potential of their Edge architecture, ensuring a resilient, fast, efficient, secure, and affordable Edge.

Key Features and Offerings

  • IO River's Virtual Edge solution provides a consistent layer of security and traffic control across multiple vendors, including services like WAF, Rate Limiting, Bot Detection, Load Balancing, and more.
  • Businesses can easily implement and manage their complete architecture through a single interface, allowing for simplified monitoring, testing, securing, and routing of traffic.
  • IO River enables the splitting of dynamic traffic across multi-vendor architectures without compromising Edge services, ensuring top performance and reliability without additional latency.
  • By offering a unified layer that includes all Edge capabilities, IO River helps reduce infrastructure expenses, enabling businesses to employ multi-vendor strategies effectively and affordably.

IO River's mission is to bridge the gap, making multiple Edge platforms accessible to everyone, with the vision to unleash the potential of the Edge. 

The company is backed by industry leaders and operates out of Tel Aviv, Israel, aiming to serve a diverse range of sectors including SaaS, online retailers, streaming media, and gaming services, promising near-perfect reliability and superior performance​​​​​​.

Must-Have Features of Multi-CDN

While all features have the bells and whistles to them, you need to specifically look for your business requirements. Global presence is good, but if you want to offer your services in only a specific area, then it’s not really useful for you. 

However, certain features are indispensable in a Multi-CDN setup, and not having them can lead to loopholes and vulnerabilities in the system. 

How to Choose the Best CDN Provider with Multi-CDN?

When selecting the best CDN provider, consider the following factors to aid your multi-CDN strategy:

  • Choose a provider with strong PoP coverage in regions where your audience is concentrated to ensure fast content delivery.
  • Determine whether your content is static, dynamic, or a mix of both. Look for a provider that excels in delivering your type of content.
  • Each CDN has unique strengths, such as video streaming or mobile content optimization. Match these strengths with your specific requirements.
  • Compare pricing plans, but also consider potential savings from improved performance and reliability. Transparent pricing and the absence of hidden fees are important.

Companies can specialize in analyzing business requirements and matching them with the optimal combination of CDN providers. 

Their expertise can streamline the selection process, ensuring that you achieve the best coverage, performance, and cost-efficiency across all regions​​​​.


All in all, we are living in a world where content delivery is a major part of our lives, and the evolution of CDN technology marks a significant leap forward in how this content reaches our audience. 

However, choosing the right Multi-CDN solutions provider requires careful consideration of your specific needs, from audience distribution to content type and delivery requirements. 

You need to make choices that will drive your online presence forward, ensuring your business remains at the forefront of digital innovation.