Best 5 CDNs for Video Streaming Technology

The world has been on a constant path of progression, yet viewers still have to face the annoyance of buffering, a disruption that can diminish their overall experience. To circumvent this, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) come to the rescue, enhancing video streaming experiences by efficiently delivering content to users worldwide. These networks are especially adept at tackling common streaming issues like buffering, ensuring viewers enjoy a smooth and high-quality video experience. But, there are heaps of CDN providers out there, and finding the one that suits your unique needs can be a hassle.

Roei Hazout
Apr 18, 2024

Why Use a CDN for Video Streaming?

CDNs directly reduce buffering, through caching content in multiple geographical locations. This allows them to bring videos closer to the viewer, reducing load times and buffering incidents. This proximity is the reason for a smooth streaming experience, particularly important for high-definition and 4K video content.

Aside from this, CDNs also play a main role in the enhancement of video quality. They manage network traffic effectively, ensuring that high-quality videos are delivered without loss of quality, even during peak usage times. This consistent quality is essential for maintaining viewer engagement and satisfaction, especially in a competitive streaming market.

On top of this, CDNs also offer scalability, a critical aspect for video content providers. They can effortlessly handle sudden spikes in viewer numbers, ensuring that the streaming quality remains unaffected, regardless of the audience size. This scalability is vital for live events or viral content, where viewer numbers can surge unexpectedly.

What to Look for in a CDN?

When choosing the best CDN for video streaming, several key features must be considered to ensure optimal performance:

  • Global Coverage: Look for a CDN that offers extensive global coverage with a dense network of servers. This ensures that content is delivered efficiently to viewers worldwide, reducing latency and enhancing the viewing experience.
  • Format Support: The CDN should support a wide range of video formats, ensuring compatibility and seamless playback across different devices and platforms.
  • Security Measures: Given the value of digital content, the chosen CDN must have robust security features to protect against piracy and unauthorized access. Features like encryption, secure token authentication, and DDoS protection are essential.
  • Pricing Models: Cost is a crucial factor. Many CDNs offer pay-as-you-go pricing, allowing for scalability and flexibility in cost management. It’s important to choose a CDN that offers transparent pricing without compromising on quality and features.
  • Performance and Reliability: The CDN should have a proven track record of high performance and reliability. This includes consistently fast content delivery and high uptime guarantees.
  • Ease of Use and Support: A user-friendly interface and responsive customer support are important, especially for resolving issues quickly and efficiently.

Selecting the right CDN involves balancing these features with your specific video streaming needs to ensure a high-quality viewer experience.

5 Best CDN Video Streaming Platforms for 2024

In 2024, the CDN landscape has become more competitive than ever! In the heat of this competition, building the best video streaming CDN architecture for your unique needs can be challenging. 

While most of the CDN providers offer the same capabilities in varying quality, some tend to make a name for themselves by going that extra mile, ensuring the best for their users:

1. Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is deeply integrated with AWS services, offering a powerful combination of scalability, distribution efficiency, and security for video streaming. Its extensive global network ensures low latency and high transfer speeds, crucial for delivering smooth video streams to a global audience. 

CloudFront is particularly adept at handling spikes in viewership, thanks to AWS's scalable infrastructure, making it ideal for live streaming events and on-demand video services. Its security features, including AWS Shield for DDoS protection, alongside the capability to tightly control access to video content, ensure that streaming services can maintain both availability and content protection. 

This CDN is best suited for businesses seeking a reliable, scalable solution for extensive video libraries and live streaming with the added benefits of integration into the AWS ecosystem.

Feature Benefit
Lambda@Edge Allows running custom code closer to users for personalized video streaming experiences and content manipulation.
Geo Restriction Controls who can access your content based on geographic location, enhancing content rights management.
SSL/TLS Encryption Secures video content during delivery, protecting against interception and unauthorized access.

2. Akamai

Akamai's global CDN network is optimized for speed and reliability, making it an exceptional choice for delivering video content. It stands out for its ability to provide high-quality, adaptive bitrate streaming, ensuring viewers receive the best possible video quality based on their current internet speeds. 

Akamai's extensive network ensures content is served from locations close to users, reducing latency and buffering during video streaming. Its solutions are designed to support large-scale live events and high-definition video on demand (VOD), offering features like low-latency streaming and advanced security measures to protect content and users. 

Akamai is particularly well-suited for media companies and platforms that require robust, scalable video delivery capabilities to serve a global audience.

Feature Benefit
Multiple Caching Tiers This system caches content on several tiers, performing different levels of caching from Edge to Parent (Origin server), distributing an even load, and improving the overall efficiency of content delivery.
Segmented Media Streaming Prefetches segments, to enhance the delivery and performance of segmented media content making the overall viewing experience smoother.
Content Targeting Delivers personalized video content and advertisements based on user location, device type, and behavior.

3. Fastly

Fastly offers a highly programmable edge cloud platform, making it a strong candidate for video streaming services that require fast, secure, and customizable video content delivery. Its capabilities as one of the best live streaming CDN and video-on-demand providers are enhanced by features like instant purging, real-time analytics, and the ability to push updates quickly. 

Fastly's network is designed to reduce latency and improve the loading times of videos, ensuring a smooth streaming experience. Additionally, its focus on security, with features like TLS encryption and DDoS mitigation, protects both content and users. 

Fastly is ideal for broadcasters, online learning platforms, and entertainment services that need a flexible, fast CDN capable of supporting dynamic content and interactive experiences.

Feature Benefit
Instant Purging Allows for the immediate removal of outdated or sensitive video content from the cache, ensuring content freshness.
Custom Caching Offers granular control over how video content is cached and for how long, optimizing delivery and reducing costs.
Edge Dictionaries Provides a fast, scalable way to manage and apply custom configurations and rules for video delivery at the edge.

4. Edgio

Edgio stands out as a highly versatile and powerful platform for video streaming, underpinned by its global scale, advanced security, and performance optimization capabilities. Its comprehensive suite, including Edgio Uplynk for streaming management and orchestration, alongside its extensive CDN for robust media delivery, positions it as an exceptional choice for managing, monetizing, and delivering streaming video worldwide.

Edgio's platform excels in optimizing streaming performance with features designed to enhance video quality, streamline operations, and maximize revenue. It boasts a massive global network of over 300 Points of Presence (PoPs) with a capacity of 250+ Tbps, ensuring lightning-fast response times and a high-quality experience for global audiences.

Additionally, Edgio offers advanced bot and DDoS protection, serverless & edge compute capabilities, and tools for accelerated team collaboration and simplified serverless site management, making it an award-winning choice for broadcasters, OTT providers, and content owners aiming to reach a new generation of online viewers with broadcast-quality video at a global scale.

Feature Benefit
Optimize Streaming Performance Ensures efficient management, cost reduction, increased ad revenue, and delivery of optimal workflows.
Massive Global Network Powers streaming media and large file downloads across one of the world's largest and most advanced CDNs.
Edgio Uplynk A unified platform for streamlining operations, expanding reach, and ensuring global content delivery, supporting direct relationships with viewers through personalized server-side ad insertion and DRM.

5. CDNetworks

Boasting Asia's No.1 CDN performance, CDNetworks ensures seamless content delivery through its extensive network of over 2,800 Points of Presence (PoPs) worldwide. 

The platform integrates advanced technologies like AI Super Resolution and Low Bandwidth High Definition (LBHD) to support various content formats and enhance video quality. 

With dedicated local support teams, CDNetworks offers 24/7 assistance, providing tailored services that cater to the specific needs of SMEs to OTT platforms, ensuring a robust and reliable streaming experience.

Feature Benefit
Optimize Streaming Performance Utilizes over 2,800 PoPs globally to ensure smooth delivery of video content with minimal latency.
Massive Global Network Incorporates AI Super Resolution, LBHD, and H.266 for superior video quality and format support.

Multi-CDN for Video Streaming Technology

This method offers a myriad of benefits, primarily aiming at redundancy and enhanced performance. When using more than one CDN, content providers can ensure higher availability and reliability of their video streams. 

In the event one CDN faces outages or performance issues, another can take over, ensuring uninterrupted service to the end users.

1. Redundancy

Redundancy is a critical factor, particularly for high-stakes broadcasting such as live events, where even a momentary disruption can significantly impact viewer satisfaction. 

Multi-CDN strategies also cater to global audiences more effectively, as different CDNs may perform better in different geographical regions.

Optimizing the delivery paths of video content enables multi-CDNs to ensure users receive the best possible quality and speed, regardless of their location.

2. Performance

Moreover, a multi-CDN strategy can provide enhanced performance through intelligent load balancing. It dynamically routes user requests to the most efficient CDN, considering factors such as geographic proximity, server load, and network health. 

This not only reduces latency and buffering but also accommodates spikes in viewer traffic more adeptly. Performance improvements are further supported by the competition among video CDN providers, encouraging each to maintain optimal service levels to be selected for content delivery.

3. Cost

Best 5 CDNs for Video Streaming Technology

This leads to more favorable contract terms, often enabling cost optimization through real-time traffic management, routing requests to the most cost-effective CDN without compromising on the quality of service. 


To sum it all up, choosing the right CDN provider—or combination of providers—is paramount for delivering an optimal video streaming experience. The right CDN can significantly reduce buffering, improve video quality, and ensure content reaches viewers anywhere in the world with minimal latency.