TCP Slow Start

TCP Slow Start

Roei Hazout

TCP Slow Start is a mechanism within the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) that controls how data is transmitted over the internet to ensure efficient use of the network and avoid congestion. 

When a new connection is established, TCP Slow Start dynamically adjusts the amount of data sent over the network, starting with small amounts and gradually increasing the volume as it receives acknowledgments from the receiving end. 

This process helps in optimizing data flow, minimizing packet loss, and ensuring a smoother transmission of data across networks.

What is TCP Slow Start?

TCP Slow Start affects how data is managed and transmitted between computers on the internet. 

When a TCP connection is first established, TCP Slow Start algorithm begins with a conservative approach by sending a limited amount of data; this data ratio is then depicted through a TCP slow start graph. 

This amount is measured in segments, which are units of data transmission in TCP. The initial size of this transmission is determined by the TCP congestion window, often starting with one or a few segments.


The Main Principle

A TCP Slow Start probes the network's capacity for handling data traffic without directly causing congestion. As the data reaches its destination and acknowledgments are sent back to the sender, the congestion window size is gradually increased. 

This increase allows for more data to be sent in subsequent transmissions. The process of adjusting the window size continues, doubling the volume of data sent with each round trip time (RTT) until a loss is detected or another threshold is reached. 

This threshold is often related to another TCP mechanism known as congestion avoidance.

How TCP Slow Start Works

TCP Slow Start operates through a precise, step-by-step process that ensures data is sent over the network in a manner that is both efficient and considerate of the current network conditions; aiding in TCP acceleration.

This can be tricky to accomplish, but is usually done through the following steps:

  1. Initialization of Congestion Window: At the beginning of a TCP connection, the congestion window (cwnd) is set to a low value, typically one to a few segments. This initial window size is conservative, aimed at testing the waters without overwhelming the network right away.
  2. Slow Start Phase: In this initial phase, for every acknowledgment (ACK) received from the receiver, the sender increases the congestion window size by one segment. This results in an exponential growth of the congestion window since the sender is allowed to send two times the number of segments it sent in the last round, effectively doubling the cwnd for each round trip time (RTT).
  3. Exponential Growth: The exponential growth of the congestion window continues until one of two events occurs: a packet loss is detected, or the congestion window size reaches a threshold known as the slow start threshold (ssthresh). Packet loss is typically identified through a timeout or the receipt of duplicate ACKs, signaling that some segments did not reach their destination.
  4. Transition to Congestion Avoidance: Once the slow start threshold is reached or packet loss occurs, TCP transitions from the slow start to the congestion avoidance phase. In the congestion avoidance phase, the increase in the congestion window size is more conservative to avoid causing congestion. Instead of doubling, the window size increases linearly, by one segment per round trip time, making the growth more controlled and sustainable.
  5. Adaptive Threshold Adjustment: If packet loss occurs, indicating congestion, TCP adjusts the slow start threshold to half of the current congestion window size. This adjustment helps in finding a more suitable rate for data transmission, balancing speed and network stability.
  6. Recovery and Adaptation: In case of packet loss, TCP may either re-enter the slow start phase with the new, lower slow start threshold or implement other mechanisms like fast retransmit and fast recovery to handle the situation more efficiently. The choice depends on the specifics of the TCP implementation and the nature of the detected network conditions.

Factors Influencing TCP Slow Start

There are a lot of factors behind a TCP slow start phase, but while some are mere what-if scenarios, the following have a direct impact on whether a slow start occurs or not:

1. Network Latency

The time it takes for data to travel from the sender to the receiver and for the acknowledgment to return can significantly impact the TCP Slow Start process. 

High latency can slow down the rate at which the congestion window expands and reduce page load time, as it takes longer for acknowledgments to be received, delaying the window's growth.

2. Packet Loss

Packet loss signals network congestion and prompts TCP to adjust its congestion window size. During TCP Slow Start, packet loss results in a reduction of the congestion window and slow start threshold. 

This essentially leads to a slower data transmission rate as TCP tries to mitigate further loss and avoid overwhelming the network.

3. Initial Congestion Window Size

The size of the initial congestion window (cwnd) can dictate how quickly the TCP connection can ramp up its data transmission rate. 

A larger initial cwnd allows for more data to be sent initially, speeding up the slow start process, while a smaller cwnd may result in a more cautious and slower increase in data transmission rate.

4. Slow Start Threshold (ssthresh)

The slow start threshold is a crucial factor in determining when TCP transitions from the slow start to the congestion avoidance phase. 

A lower threshold means a quicker transition to congestion avoidance, potentially leading to a more conservative increase in the congestion window. 

Conversely, a higher threshold allows for a longer period of exponential growth during the slow start phase.

5. Quality of Service (QoS)

The quality of service settings in the network can affect how data packets are prioritized and handled, influencing the slow start process. The quality of service often hinges on factors like the HTTP version, hardware, and how the network is configured to behave. 

Networks configured to give priority to certain types of traffic can impact the performance of TCP connections, potentially affecting the slow start phase.

This also includes:

  1. TCP Configuration and Version: Different versions and configurations of TCP can implement the slow start algorithm in slightly different ways. Variations in how TCP versions handle parameters like the initial window size, retransmission timeouts, and the reaction to packet loss can influence the effectiveness and behavior of TCP Slow Start.
  2. End-System Capabilities: The capabilities of the sending and receiving systems, including processing power, memory, and network interface performance, can also impact the slow start process. Limitations in these areas may affect the speed at which data can be sent and processed, influencing the congestion window's growth rate.


To sum it all up, the TCP slow start formula is a part of a greater congestion-avoidance algorithm and is designed to optimize network usage and prevent congestion by carefully controlling the rate of data transmission. 

Starting conservatively by sending a small amount of data and gradually increasing this amount based on acknowledgments received, TCP Slow Start helps in efficiently managing data flow, minimizing packet loss, and ensuring data is transmitted smoothly across networks.

Published on:
October 14, 2024
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