DNS Data Exfiltration

DNS Data Exfiltration

Roei Hazout

So, you have a locked fortress filled with valuables. Normally, there's a strict security check for anything coming in or going out. But what if a thief found a hidden backdoor – one that looked legitimate but allowed them to sneak out tiny bits of treasure at a time?

That's kind of what happens with DNS data exfiltration. It's a sneaky technique attackers use to steal data from a computer system or network. They exploit a vital part of the internet's infrastructure called the Domain Name System (DNS) to smuggle out your data in disguise.

What is DNS Data Exfiltration?

DNS Data Exfiltration involves the misuse of DNS queries and responses to clandestinely transmit data outside an organization. 

DNS, fundamentally, is like the internet's phonebook; it translates human-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses, allowing devices to locate and communicate with each other over the internet. 

Because DNS requests are essential for normal network operations and often pass through firewalls without much scrutiny, they present a unique vector for data leakage.


How Does It Work?

This method of data exfiltration capitalizes on the recursive DNS process, where a DNS server will query other DNS servers on behalf of the client to help resolve a domain name. 

By embedding data within these DNS queries or the corresponding responses, malicious actors can effectively smuggle data out of an organization bit by bit, bypassing traditional security measures that might overlook DNS traffic as benign.

Techniques Used in DNS Data Exfiltration

Attackers use various sneaky methods to hide their data within seemingly normal DNS requests. Here are some of their favorite data exfiltration techniques:

1. Tunneling Through DNS

This is like hiding a secret message inside a birthday card. That's kind of what DNS tunneling does. Attackers take data they want to steal and pack it into DNS requests. These requests look like regular internet traffic, but they secretly carry the stolen information. This allows the data to sneak past security measures that might normally block it.

Attackers use specialized tools or malware to encode stolen data into various parts of a DNS request, such as the domain name itself or additional fields. These requests travel through the network just like any other DNS query, potentially bypassing firewalls and security filters that wouldn't suspect anything malicious hidden inside.

2. Breaking Down Walls for Data Escape

A DNS query is like an address for a website. Part of that address is called a subdomain. Attackers can break their stolen data into tiny pieces and use them to create fake subdomains in their DNS queries. These fake subdomains look harmless, but when they reach a server controlled by the attacker, they can be put back together to reveal the stolen data.

Imagine a long document you want to smuggle out of a building page by page. Subdomain exploitation works similarly. Attackers use encoding techniques like base64 to turn stolen data into a long string of characters. They then split this string into smaller chunks and incorporate them into various subdomains within their DNS queries. 

These queries might appear like requests for legitimate websites (e.g., "[invalid URL removed]"). However, a server controlled by the attacker can recognize these subdomains and reassemble the data chunks back into the original stolen information.

3. Keeping Track of Exfiltrated Data Difficult

Imagine a game of hide-and-seek where the hider keeps changing their hiding spot. That's similar to what attackers can do with a technique called Fast Flux DNS. They can quickly switch the destination address linked to a domain name, making it very hard to track where the stolen data is actually going. This makes it difficult for security systems to block the data leak.

Fast Flux DNS is often used by malicious actors to avoid detection for their command-and-control (C2) servers – the infrastructure they use to communicate with malware they've infected on other devices. In DNS data exfiltration, attackers can leverage the same technique. 

They can configure their DNS queries to constantly change the IP address where the data is being sent. This rapid switching makes it challenging for security systems to pinpoint the location of the stolen data and block the transfer.

4. Exploiting TXT Records

DNS records can hold extra information, kind of like a note attached to a package. One type of record, called a TXT record, is often used for harmless things like specifying contact information for a domain owner. But attackers can misuse TXT records to store bits and pieces of stolen data. This allows them to slowly smuggle the data out without raising suspicion.

Think of a spy hiding a tiny message under a stamp on a postcard. TXT record trickery follows a similar idea. Attackers can fragment their stolen data into small chunks and embed them within TXT records attached to their DNS queries. 

These records typically fly under the radar of security measures focused on the core data transfer. By steadily sending out DNS requests with TXT records containing data fragments, attackers can gradually exfiltrate sensitive information without attracting immediate attention.

Real-World Examples of DNS Data Exfiltration

While the techniques used in DNS data exfiltration sound elaborate, they've been exploited in real-world attacks, where data exfiltration detection is a serious question mark. Here are a few concerning cases:

  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): These sophisticated hacking groups often utilize DNS tunneling to establish covert communication channels with compromised systems. This allows them to send stolen data back to their servers while dodging security firewalls that might block other communication methods.
  • Financial Malware: In 2018, a malware strain called Dridex was discovered to use DNS tunneling to exfiltrate banking credentials and other sensitive information from infected computers. This malware specifically targeted financial institutions, highlighting the potential financial damage caused by DNS data exfiltration.
  • Espionage Campaigns: DNS exfiltration techniques have also been linked to state-sponsored cyber espionage campaigns. Attackers might use these methods to steal sensitive data from government agencies or critical infrastructure providers.

These are just a few examples, and as cybercriminals develop new techniques, staying vigilant is crucial.


DNS data exfiltration is dangerous because it exploits a trusted part of the internet – the DNS. Unlike typical breaches, it hides stolen data within regular DNS queries, potentially bypassing security measures. This stealthy method makes it a threat to organizations of all sizes, signaling the need for proper data exfiltration prevention.

Published on:
October 14, 2024
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