Cross-site Request Forgery

Cross-site Request Forgery

Roei Hazout

Ever logged into a website to check your bank account balance or update your social media profile, only to realize later that something strange happened? Maybe a payment you didn't authorize went through, or a post appeared on your timeline that you never created. If so, you might have been the victim of a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack.

CSRF exploits a loophole in how web browsers handle requests. By tricking you into clicking a link or visiting a malicious website, attackers can manipulate your browser into unknowingly performing actions on trusted websites where you're already logged in. 

What is Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)?

Cross-site Request Forgery exploits the trust a website has in the user’s browser. When you're logged into a site, it recognizes your browser as authenticated, often for convenience, so you don't have to sign in every time you visit. A CSRF attack leverages this trust by using a different website to send a request to the website where you are authenticated. The catch is, this request is something you never approved.

For example, if you’re logged into your online banking, CSRF could trick your browser into making a transfer to another account without your permission. It’s like someone else using your hand to sign a check. CSRF vulnerability is a significant concern in web security because it can be executed without downloading malware or using sophisticated hacking techniques.


How Does Cross-site Request Forgery Work?

To fully grasp this concept of ‘how does CSRF work’, think of it as someone secretly controlling your actions on a website. This type of attack happens in stages, typically starting with the attacker preparing a malicious website or a link that contains harmful code.

  1. Session Riding: Once you log into a website, a session is established between your browser and the website. This session is maintained by session cookies that remember your identity without needing you to re-login every time you make a request.
  2. Crafting Malicious Requests: The attacker then crafts a malicious request—like a forged form submission or script—that looks like a legitimate request to the website.
  3. Tricking the User: The next step involves tricking you into visiting the attacker's prepared web page or clicking a malicious link. This can be achieved through various means, such as sending an email, displaying ads, or embedding the link in a different website.
  4. Automatic Execution: If you interact with the content (by clicking a link or loading the attacker’s page), the malicious request is automatically sent to the target website. Because your browser is still logged into the target site, it mistakenly considers this request as coming from you.
  5. Action Completion: The website receives the forged request and processes it as if it were a legitimate action initiated by you. This could be anything from changing your account password, making a purchase, or any other action that you can perform on the website.

What is the Impact of a CSRF Attack?

The simplicity and effectiveness of CSRF attacks make them especially dangerous. The impact largely depends on the nature of the actions that the CSRF attack forces the user to perform.

  1. Stolen Money: On financial sites or online stores, CSRF attacks can trigger unauthorized transactions. Imagine money being transferred out of your account, unwanted items being purchased, or billing information being changed – all without your knowledge!
  2. Account Takeover: Attackers can exploit CSRF attacks to alter your account settings or details. This could mean a changed email address, password, or security questions, essentially locking you out of your own account.
  3. Data Breach: If the attack manipulates your session, it can steal sensitive information like contact details, credit card info, or even personal identifiers, putting you at risk of identity theft.
  4. Spreading Lies: On social media or blogging platforms, CSRF attacks can be used to post unauthorized content or misinformation. This can damage your personal reputation or an organization's image.
  5. Legal Trouble: Businesses hit by CSRF attacks may violate data protection regulations, leading to hefty fines and a loss of trust from clients and partners.

CSRF Protection

To protect against Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks, there are several effective strategies that developers and website administrators can implement.

Protection Method Description
Token-based Protection Use unique tokens that are generated by the server and included in forms. These tokens must be submitted with each form request, ensuring that the request originates from the site.
SameSite Cookie Attribute This cookie attribute tells browsers to only send cookies with requests initiated from the same origin as the website, thus blocking requests with cookies from external sites.
Double Submit Cookies Generate a cookie and a hidden form field bearing the same value. The server verifies both values match upon form submission to confirm the request's authenticity.
Custom Headers Use custom request headers (e.g., X-CSRF-Token) that are not part of normal browser requests to external sites. These must be explicitly set by the site's JavaScript.
Referer Validation Check the HTTP Referer header of incoming requests to ensure they originate from allowed domains.


To sum it all up, CSRF attacks trick your browser into performing unauthorized actions on trusted websites. They can steal money, data, or damage reputations. Everyone - users and developers - needs to be aware and implement security measures to stay safe online.

Published on:
October 14, 2024
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